Sustainability, it's our nature!
Environmental issues range from water shortages and air pollution to natural disasters brought on by climate change. They also cut across all sectors of the economy. We can’t carry on doing things the same way we’ve always done them. Every day, everywhere, we affect and influence people’s lives, which comes with a great deal of responsibility.
Our Sustainability Targets
Our targets help us improve our sustainability strategy in a focused way and bring efficiency to our progress.
Supply Chain
In the chemical sector, quality and safety are crucial only by close collaboration along the supply and value chain.
Safety & Environmental protection
Our ambition is to be the safest distributor of chemicals by maintaining environmental sustainability and worker safety.
promoting sustainability in all of our activities
We evaluate the issues that matter the most to our stakeholders and our operation. This serves as our ultimate motivation.

Eco-Friendly Chemicals
Our path to sustainability

The value chain of the chemical industry is fundamental to Color Style Bangladesh’s position as the global market leader in the distribution of chemicals and ingredients. This position has enormous potential for Color Style Bangladesh, but it also carries a responsibility to work towards the industry’s increased sustainability. We strive to create sustainable value creation because we are conscious of the obligations to the environment and society that come with our business endeavors and market positions.
Sustainability concerns, such as safety, environmental preservation, and supply chain accountability, have been ingrained profoundly inside our business for a number of years. They determine how we connect with our team members, partners, clients, and society at large. They also directly affect how successful our business is. Our sustainability strategy’s ongoing global development is our main objective.
We evaluate the issues that matter the most to our stakeholders and our operation. This serves as our ultimate motivation.